Admitted students to Michigan Ross can pay their enrollment deposit (EDR) by visiting Wolverine Access, where you viewed your admission decision. The instructions to view your decision were emailed to you. 

The enrollment deposit is required for all students and secures your place in the program. The enrollment deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE. Once you are enrolled, the deposit will be applied towards tuition in your first term unless you have other aid that covers tuition and fees in full. If full tuition is covered, you can request a refund of any credits on your account from Student Financial Services after the first billing cycle.

In your student account, under the Accept EDR tab, you will see different forms of payment accepted for your enrollment deposit (credit card, e-check, check, or money order).

Credit Card Payments

If you are paying by credit card and making a foreign transaction, you may need to notify your credit card-issuing bank.

Check or Money Order

If you are paying by check or money order, print out the Enrollment Deposit Form. A link to this form is located just below the instructions for paying by check or money order. The address of where to send the payment is on this form. A copy of the Enrollment Deposit Form must be included with your payment to the University of Michigan, so that Student Financial Services can apply the payment to your student account.

Third Party Billing Process

If you have a third party wanting to pay your deposit, please refer to the Student Financial Services Guide for Sponsored Students.

Sponsored Payments / Company Invoice

Print an Enrollment Deposit Form to be included with your sponsor's check or money order payment (see above). This form can be used as an invoice from the University of Michigan for sponsors who require an invoice. The Student Financial Services Office Guide for Sponsored Students has more information about corporate sponsorship and tuition billing.

International Wire Transfer

Please refer to the International Payments page of the Student Financial Services website for information regarding payments from international bank accounts. Please choose "Enrollment Deposit" for the payment type on the payment form so that funds will be applied properly to your student account. International wire transfer payments take several business days to process, and we recommend allowing extra time for the transfer to process before your enrollment deadline date.

If you require additional support paying your enrollment deposit, please contact our office by calling (734) 763-5796 or create a support ticket.

Questions specific to your student account should be directed to Student Financial Services.